I love YELLOW - Colours of the Wardrobe


Colours are one of the most evocative elements of fashion. They are often the first detail people will notice about an outfit, they can communicate a personality, and even have the ability to change the impression and emotion of those around you. Colours were even shown to affect heart and respiration rates. Such studies of colour, known as colour psychology, have long been both established and applied to fashion, leading to many designs and trends occurring in popular culture.

Within my own work, colours are especially important and are a source of constant inspiration. They can summon images of nature and powerful emotions, which is something I try to focus on when creating and designing clothing. This is why I thought it would be interesting to share my experiences with colours, both as individual topics and as a whole, how they affect my creativity and how I experience them.

So, to start with, I thought I would talk about one of my favourite colour.


One of my favourite colour is yellow, with its bright and encouraging vibrance. It can have a significant impact upon the human psyche, having been demonstrated to invigorate and stimulate people, drawing parallels with the sun that fills our day with energy and life. Often, it is considered the official colour of happiness.

In fashion, it is an eye-catching feature and, whether used as an accessory or as a statement garment, featuring yellow in your wardrobe is sure to turn heads and create smiles. When its hue is combined with certain colours, it can also elevate the positive impression of otherwise boring outfits, which makes it a useful tool for DIY clothing projects!

My favourite mix with yellow


Interesting Fact

Some say, too invigorating!

Almost never seen in use in transportation or in marketing, if it is then only for strategic purposes since colour yellow can cause dizziness and nausea, as studies shown. This colour never really seen on airplanes for this reason.

Tip & ideas to surround yourself

Both aqua blue and yellow are bright colours and fashion would tell us that they are best suited to complement darker hues, such as greys and blacks. However, I have found that combining them with other energising colours brings a great potential, leading to the creation of joyful life and clothing. 

I would love to hear about your favourite ways to combine aqua blue and yellow, as well as how you most enjoy incorporating them into your wardrobe. And, if you’d like to see what recent clothing projects I am working on, please visit my store and social media!




Hello! I’m Dori,

Spice it up with Dori is a blog about bright DIY fashion, crafts & lots of creative endeavours, things that put a smile on your face. My aim is to create an upbeat positive vibe so you can as well cultivate your inner-creativity and establish an innovative DIY way of lifestyle and spice things up with your personal touch. Find out more about me.







Turning Fast Fashion Into Slow Fashion


I love AQUA - Spice it up with colours