Four Ways to Make Your Wardrobe More Eco-Friendly


Living more sustainability is a goal that most of us want (or should want!) to achieve. As the effects of climate change become more apparent, more people around the world are seeking to reduce their carbon footprints and the waste that they produce. One of the most impactful ways in which we can make a difference in both of these areas is by reconsidering our clothing.

In my recent blogs, I’ve spoken often about the harmful effects of fast fashion. It is an important topic to me not only because it is widely problematic, leading to huge amounts of waste, but also because it doesn’t have to be that way. We could each very easily reduce the climate cost of our wardrobes with even a few small changes. So, to give you an idea of how to begin, I’ve put together four super simple tips for how you can make your wardrobe eco-friendly.

Throw Nothing Away

When throwing a piece of clothing away, you are making the statement that there is nothing more than can possibly be done with this garment. So rarely is this actually true. Damaged clothing, or items that have become unsuitable to wear, can often be fixed, adjusted or upcycled into something new. Upcycling old clothes is a remarkable way to both reinvent your wardrobe and develop a new skill that will increase your creativity and save you money. 

If this creative avenue doesn’t appeal to you then there are still few reasons to throw your old clothing away because fabrics can be recycled or used by others too. Speak to your local charity and thrift store to see if they’ll accept the items. Even if not, they might still be able to recycle the material.

Climate Anxiety

We know it is time for change. It’s enough to click on what’s trending now, check the news, devastating world events, digital platforms provides way too much information, conceptions, opinions that creates a bit of a challenge to navigate through and find our ways on a daily doses so we end up growing some frustration, feel a bit worried and also helpless, not knowing where do we start ?

How can we turn our emotions into positive actions ?

Sometimes we feel content knowing the little steps we made during a day is good for the planet, adds a feel-good effect to our mood, other days we just end up being so guilty and in conflict with ourselves not making the right choices, or even feeling overwhelmed trying the see the whole picture and making sense of taking tiny steps can actually make a difference ?

Well, it is normal to feel like this, and you are not alone! Sharing your thoughts, talking about your reasonings is a good way to connect with people and find likeminded individuals. Team work makes a dream work, it’s always better to find a solution together than trying to save the Planet by ourselves. Below, I share a few of my suggestions, which could easily be implemented.

Buy Carbon Neutral

When buying a new item, make it a habit to scrutinise the production. What is the carbon cost? Is it organic? Was it made with entirely voluntary labour? If the answers aren’t positive or, perhaps worse, if they can’t be found, then choose a different piece of clothing, one that supports a fairer, more sustainable planet. Some smaller brands are beginning to showcase carbon neutral clothing, which is brilliantly guilt-free!

Curate Your Influences

A large part of what prompts us to wear the styles we do comes from influencers. Our social media feeds are full of such people, those that we think are incredibly stylish and who present our ideal wardrobe, leading us to buy similar items. On the good side there is a positive movement in many places, and meanwhile it isn’t a bad thing to have a mixed wardrobe, I do think it is always great to add another eco-friendly fashion piece which we can set an example to others and to younger generations whilst trying to promote influencers are also supporting sustainable fashion. Take some time to carefully consider who appears on your timeline and choose the most sustainable and positive influencers who inspire your best wardrobe.

Choose Quality Items

While there is always the possibility of upcycling and DIY clothing projects, I understand it is not for everyone. There is also so much fun in shopping. So, when choosing the items that you want to buy first-hand, one of the most important factors should be their quality. Fast fashion is so often low-quality that a major reason it is bad for the planet is that the products fall apart so easily and quickly. 

If you choose quality items that will last, you will create less waste. Buy fewer items but make them high-quality. Support a slower, more considered fashion. This is the key to an eco-friendly wardrobe.




Hello! I’m Dori,

Spice it up with Dori is a blog about bright DIY fashion, crafts & lots of creative endeavours.

Quarantine led me to start a website, where I can share my creations, ideas, inspirational digital content on transforming dull into cheerful, fun, refreshing and full of colours.

My aim is to create an upbeat positive vibe so you can as well cultivate your inner-creativity and establish an innovative DIY way of lifestyle and spice things up with your personal touch. Find out more about me.







Colorise your world with TURQUOISE


The Beauty of a DIY Wardrobe